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Sunday, 12 June 2011

Easy Methods To Hang Your Curtains On Your Doors Or Windows

Easy Methods To Hang Your Curtains On Your Doors Or Windows

Hanging curtains on your own seems like a very easy task, but it isn't what you think it is. Sometimes the curtains don't look just as even when you want them straight. At other times, the patio door curtains are just too heavy for you to work on them alone. Looking at the over-all impact of what you have done, you just aren't satisfied at all. Here are some tips to follow on how to hang curtains the easy way.
1.      Enlist the help of some other person in the house to help you hang the curtains. Whoever you ask will tell you that the task will become easier. Working with somebody else saves time and effort especially when you need to go up and down the ladder when you need anything. That someone can be a big help when trying to straighten out the folds of the curtain fabric; can suggest ways of doing it while you're on top of the ladder and he's down; and helps to carry the weight of the curtains while you are busy arranging them. Heavy curtains can be hard to handle alone, even harder when trying to distribute the weight properly. At other times, this can be the cause of accidents, falling down from the ladder due to finding it hard to balance yourself because of the weighty draperies.
2.      The use of the ladder makes the job even easier. Of course, you wouldn't want to stand on just any chair, a table on hand, the headboard of the bed or on top of the cabinet; but on a sturdy ladder. It is the best thing to use for balancing yourself while holding the curtains and the tools for working. It is just a matter of positioning the ladder at a right angle so that the body is comfortably positioned no matter the height where the curtains will be installed.
3.      Review the work that you have done by standing back, running your hand through the folds and creases, and arranging them properly to get the curtain folds evenly distributed so that there will be no sagging where the weight seems to be concentrated. Make a final check by opening and closing the curtains making sure there are no stray hooks and doing it can be performed with ease.

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